Environmental comfort is something extremely relevant for the well-being of people who frequent commercial buildings, shopping malls, bank chains, high street stores, supermarket chains, hotels, schools, hospitals, among other closed places with a large human concentration.

According to ABRAVA, there are about 5 thousand companies in the country operating in the entire cold chain, including manufacturing, maintenance, installation, projects, and trade, offering more than 300 thousand jobs, and annually moving more than 37 billion reais.

There are laws that regulate air quality in enclosed public environments, and HVAC-R is an industry made up of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration companies that control the environmental conditions of a space, including temperature, humidity, and air quality and flow, so the amount of heat to be removed by the cooling system is calculated based on the volume of people, size of the space, and level of sun exposure of the building. 

Water cooling towers play a crucial role in cooling the water used in these cooling processes, contributing to energy efficiency and sustainability.